Educate to Prevent

Fire training

Fire training is essential to prepare your staff to respond effectively in the event of a fire. Our fire training service is organized into sections to provide comprehensive, targeted training.

Initial Fire Safety Training

We offer comprehensive initial fire safety training, designed to make participants aware of the dangers of fire, evacuation procedures and the use of fire-fighting equipment. This training lays the foundations for effective response in the event of fire.

Advanced Fire Procedures Training

For safety and emergency response teams, we offer advanced training in fire procedures. This training includes practical exercises, fire simulations and realistic scenarios to enable participants to react with confidence in real-life situations.

Use of fire-fighting equipment

We provide in-depth training in the safe use of fire-fighting equipment such as extinguishers, sprinkler systems and fire hoses. Participants learn how to handle these tools effectively to quickly extinguish an incipient fire.

Evacuation and Emergency Management

This section focuses on fire evacuation procedures, emergency management and safety team coordination. Participants learn how to manage evacuations safely, communicate effectively and keep everyone safe.

Customized Training and Simulation Exercises

We tailor our training programs to meet your specific needs. We organize fire simulation exercises on your site so that participants can practice their skills in a familiar environment.

Certification and Compliance

At the end of each course, participants receive a certificate attesting to their fire safety skills. All our training courses comply with current safety standards.

Fire safety starts with training. To find out more about our fire training programs or to discuss your specific fire safety needs, contact our safety experts today. With SODIP SARL, make sure your staff is ready to face fire with confidence.